A stern wind pushes us leisurely into the bay. It's early afternoon and the sun is shining. The bay looks like a small fjord, it tapers towards the back. There is a beach, a bar, a restaurant and a small campsite. The mountains that border the bay are green and forested, the eastern side has vertical white cliffs with caves on the waterline and tiny beaches that can only be reached by boat.
As we approach, we see: The bay is full of sailboats anchored and swimming people between them, a lot going on here. Like everyone else, we need space to swing around when anchoring freely so that we don't obstruct other boats (or they obstruct us) when the wind shifts and the boat realigns itself.
We wait. And indeed - around 3.00 pm the afternoon wind comes up, the toys (stand up paddle, swim noodles, inflatable water animals...) are packed up, and one by one the otherboats leave the bay, they probably go to their reserved harbor spots, but we want to stay. So we choose the best spot in the middle and after the second attempt the anchor is in seven meters of water. The wind drops towards evening and turns 180 degrees overnight, which is mostly the case here. We have to take that into account with the anchorage and the length of chain we let out. We have 100 m, 30 is enough here. After a while of watching to make sure we don't move, the anchor claw is attached to the chain (it is attached to the chain and then to the hull with lines so that the entire weight of the boat is not on the electric windlass), then the engine is switched off - heavenly calm.
The boat is well moored, the sun has set and we go for another swim. The water is fresh, but certainly still 20 degrees at the end of October.

The wind has died down completely by now, the beach is no longer busy, we float on very long soft waves 7 m above the seabed, wonderful.
The night is calm, the morning is beautiful, the sun is shining, we go swimming again. Lots of fish under and around us.

Our next destination is only a few miles away, so we can take our time, have breakfast and then weigh anchor and set off. It was nice - and it's always nice.